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The Wellbeing Wheel

Published on: April 15, 2022
Last Edited on: May 23, 2024

The four capabilities we first mentioned in our blog, Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Framework, are again used as a tool in the Wellbeing Wheel Framework.

These four capacities in the Wellbeing Wheel oversee the 8 areas of learning and development, often referred to as SHANARRI – their initial letters..









As with all frameworks there is no set level of Wellbeing a child should be achieving, and collectively parents, caregivers and official services should all respect the individuality of each child and support, encourage and nurture them to reach their full potential.

Using the Wellbeing Wheel Framework can make it easier, more transparent and collaborative for everyone to assess and consider the quality of a child’s life at a certain point in time, and supporting families and those working with children to evaluate what additional support and advice may be required as well as providing clear objectives and strategies against which a child’s development plan can be referred to, reviewed and measured

Using the Wellbeing Wheel framework enables practitioners and parents to;

  • Collect and analysis information gathered around the My World Triangle, which supports a practice that considers the child risks and needs whilst also exploring the positive features in their lives. Strengths and wellbeing concerns are given equal consideration and can be structured around the triangle
  • Set goals
  • Identify actions that need to be taken so that the desired outcomes for the child can be achieved.
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